Hunter Industrial offers efficient industrial HVAC solutions

Energy Savings


Moisture Control

Air Quality



Energy Savings

What a Hunter Industrial HVLS fan can do to save you energy.
Destratification concept.

Hunter Soltions

Fan’s designed for destratification to reduce hot and cold spots through the mixing of air in large industrial and commercial spaces, resulting in significantly reduced energy cost and increased comfort. Over time, a continuous mixing of air will promote a more uniform temperature profile from floor to ceiling.

Energy savings during the summer with HVLS Hunter Fan

Summer Efficiency
  • Immediate reduction of your cooling costs by more than 30%.
  • Reduce the human thermal comfort sensation up to 8°C.
  • Decrease the relative humidity by more than 30%.
  • Increase the comfort, efficiency and productivity at the workplace.

Energy savings during the winter with HVLS Hunter Fan

  • Reduces heating costs by more than 30%.
  • Destratification the temperature throughout the space.
  • Removes the condensation effect.
  • Maximizes the comfort, efficiency and productivity at the workplace.

Warm Your Space with Destratification from HVLS Fans


The ceilings fans you have in your working or living space work by giving you that comfortable breeze and airflow created to cool the skin or even to cool the airflow of working machines or to help distribute the warm air in the winter.

What a difference Hunter Industrial HVLS fan can make in your facility?

Creating a safe environment and managing the indoor air quality in large facilities like industrial warehouses, manufacturing plants and distribution centers can be challenging on multiple fonts.

You can turn to HVAC units and high-speed floor fans, but these traditional options often fail to provide comprehensive solutions. Our alternatively is HVLS (high-volume, low-speed) fans which can mobilize and destratify large volumes of air in a way that truly “clears the air” in any facility. This enables HVAC systems to:

  1. Operate more efficiently.
  2. Optimizing employee comfort.
  3. Productivity.
  4. Health in their environment’s.

Employers are responsible for eliminating known environmental safety hazards in their facilities, so making investments in environment-regulating solutions like HVLS fans are not only a benefit but also a critical need.

Moisture Control

Moisture control is not only crucial for air quality, but it is also essential when thinking about condensation.

If condensation is forming, it can present a significant safety hazard. With proper air movement, condensation can dry and, in turn, reduce fall risks, as well as pollutants and bacteria associated with moisture.

Excess moisture and humidity can rust metal products and ruin corrugated cardboard boxes. Increased airflow is key to controlling condensation and corrosion. The air movement produced by an HVLS fan can keep condensation from setting on the floor or product.

On top of employee heath, poor air quality can also pose product quality control risks such as spoilage.

Employers are responsible for eliminating these known safety hazards.  Making investments in products and solutions that help ensure environment regulations such as HVLS fans are not only a benefit but also a mandate.

Air Quality

What is indoor air quality?

Indoor air quality as the quality of air within and around buildings and structures, particularly as it relates to the health and comfort of the building’s occupants.

How poor air quality can affect us?

Poor air quality can lead to health effects that are not always experienced directly after exposure causing some side effects to show up years later.

How HVLS fan can improve indoor air quality?

Especially nowadays air quality is extremely important to the health. HVLS fans moves large volumes of the air same time don’t spread up allergens and irritating dust. Helps eliminate stagnant air.

HVLS can increase airflow supply within a building to prevent spreading viruses in the building.

Air pollution – be it indoors or outdoors – is a major environmental health concern as it can lead to serious health effects, such as respiratory diseases, including asthma and lung cancer.

Much progress has been made in Europe in improving outdoor air quality and limit values have been set for several pollutants. However, indoor air quality also requires attention because this is where we spend most of our time.

Assessing the health risks of indoor air pollution is very difficult as indoor air may contain over 900 chemicals, particles and biological materials with potential health effects. Factors like ventilation, cleaning conditions, building characteristics, products used in households, cultural habits, climate and outdoor environment all influence indoor air quality. Therefore, large variations can be expected across the EU.

The Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) is one of three independent non-food scientific committees that advise the European Commission on matters of consumer safety, public health and the environment.

The European Commission Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) concludes:

  • The principles used in the EU for risk assessment of chemicals should also be applied to indoor air.
  • More research and data are needed, particularly on particles and microbes, volatile organic compounds from consumer products, building dampness, levels of exposure, and effects on vulnerable populations.
  • Gaps in knowledge should be addressed by European-wide multidisciplinary research.
  • Indoor air pollutants of particular concern are carbon monoxideformaldehydebenzenenitrogen oxidesnaphthaleneenvironmental tobacco smokeradonlead and organophosphate pesticides.

The SCHER also recommends:

  • Data on combined effects of indoor pollutants should be gathered.
  • All possible routes of exposure should be considered.
  • Health-based guideline values for key pollutants and other practical guidance should be developed.
  • The impact of indoor exposure should be considered when evaluating the health effects of outdoor air pollution.
  • All relevant sources known to contribute to indoor air pollution should be evaluated.


Defining and measuring productivity.

While air quality and climate control are essential factors to consider, understanding the environment within your building’s space is also crucial to your evaluation. Productivity is a crucial factor in the production.

HVLS keeping your business cool and productivity.

Considering all these factors, HLVS fans are emerging as a comprehensive solution to improve energy savings, cost savings, and workforce health and safety conditions. Regardless of your industry, the company’s success is ultimately built on the safety and health of its workforce. Safety is proven to be linked to the air employees’ breath. The importance of a building’s air circulation and air management cannot be underestimated. Investments in the right HVLS solution for your facility can make radical transformations in a company’s wellness standards while boosting its bottom line.

Improving your business outcome is important to us. Hunter Industrial HVLS fans focus on efficiency and ease and are engineered to provide optimal comfort for working environments.


Hunter Industrial HVLS fans – Return of investment (ROI) as one of the main productivity factors.

When you purchase new equipment or launch a new pricing strategy, you measure ROI based on the money saved or gained. However, ROI data is being measured differently as well: A facility needs to demonstrate business value across the company as well as financial viability. A facility manager needs to look beyond the cost savings to gauge the value of a workforce’s efforts.

Improving employee satisfaction and investing in facility upgrades creates a workplace where employees enjoy being can improve productivity, which in turn can have financial impacts on your facility. It gives your business a competitive edge and ultimately helps the bottom line.

1.-Facility upgrades for improving health HVLS

Fans can help regulate temperature, as well as prevent stagnant air, control moisture, and promote a cleaner work environment.

2.-Improving productivity also improves the ROI data

By creating a more comfortable, healthier work environment, companies can experience reduced absenteeism and employee complaints, coupled with boosts in overall productivity.

3.-Impacting the financial ROI business

An industrial ceiling fan minimizes energy consumption per square foot with a cost savings of about $1 per day to operate. One industrial ceiling fan can replace as many as 10 to 20- floor flans or twelve 48-inch barrel fans, effectively creating upwards of a 10- to 12-degree perceived temperature difference in the warmer summer months.

*Depends on industry channel and objectives of the investment will determine the ROI, an average of 1.5 years ROI